Why Should You Clean Your Roof?

While cleaning the interior of your home may be on your weekly to-do list, cleaning your home’s roof may happen at much more infrequent intervals. However, like the inside spaces of your home, your roof can dramatically benefit from routine roof inspections and cleanings. Whether you have metal roofing or conventional roofing materials, you may want to hire a professional roofing company serving Ridgewood to come and clean your roof before the start of the season. Here is a look at the top three reasons why you should clean your roofing materials.

Improve Curb Appeal

One of the best reasons to clean your roof is that removing mold, moss, and mildew from your roof will enhance the curb appeal of your home. When you allow moss to grow over your roofing shingles, you will detract from the exterior appearance of your property. Whether you are selling your home, or simply want to enhance its exterior, cleaning your roof is a highly effective way to transform your older house into a gorgeous and appealing home.

Prevent Shingle Damage

If your roof has been finished with asphalt shingles, it is particularly important to schedule regular roof cleaning services. Over time, moss and dirt can work their way under the surface of your shingles and cause serious damage. When you have your roof cleaned before you start to notice moss forming on your shingles, you can help to ensure that your roofing materials last for as long as possible. Your roofers can also apply a substance that will help to prevent moss from growing between cleanings.

Avoid Expensive Reroofing Services

Installing a brand new roof on a home can be a costly and time-consuming endeavor. In order to help avoid the need to replace your roof, you should be sure to have your roof cleaned at least once every 18 months. Cleaning your roof will extend the longevity of your roofing shingles, and will save you on reroofing expenses in the future.